Monday, August 24, 2009

Time Travel to Wyoming

So before I got sick, we spent a great week in Wyoming with lots of family. Here I am with Mommy and Daddy. They took a picture at the same place last year (I was there too, but on the inside.) Here is three generations of Blee Women :)
Uncle Obbie is lots of fun!
We went for a hike and saw a bear so we had to turn around. I didn't even get a picture of it. I did get to put my feet in String Lake. It is a glacier lake and very cold...
We spent the first part of the week with Mommy's family. We had five course dinners every night. I was good for the most part :) I also got to wear my pajamas :) See the moose?

We went to a fun arts festival where I got to ride a saddle shaped bar stool...When do I get a real pony?
Here I am on the square in Jackson. The arch is made from elk antlers.
We spent the second part of the week with Grandma and Granddaddy. It was a wonderful trip!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A quick piece of exciting news from Wyoming

After several sleep troubled nights and a lot of snot the source has been revealed...I have my first tooth. It has just barely broken through, but the edge is through and I can definitely feel it.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Shopping with Jill and Sydney

We went shopping with Jill and Sydney yesterday. I got a new pair of jeans which Mommy had me try on, but I couldn't help feeling that I was missing something. I love shopping with Sydney...Just wait until we are walking :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fun with Fran and Shoshanna

We had a playdate today with Mommy's partner Fran and her granddaughter Shoshanna. We had lunch with them. I had a great time watching to see how almost five year olds act and eat. Mommy got practice holding a big girl.
Shoshanna helped me with my toy. She knew exactly which buttons to push to make it play music. She was so cool. Her baby cousin Cora is very lucky to have such a cool big cousin. I think I would like some cousins of my own.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Animals both tame and wild plus a peach

Mommy and Daddy have been working on trying to get me back to sleeping through the night which is not fun (they don't like it either), but Mommy decided it was time for a change of scenery so we went to the Zoo with Edina and Keisha on Monday. You can see the elephants behind us. Keisha is very good at driving the big stroller, but Mommy kept running us into things :). It was a nice outing for all of us.
This is my dog Catherine. She is my big sister. She is always nice to me, but doesn't love to play with me since I have been known to pullout whole handfuls of fur. She is learning that mealtimes with me are lots of fun because I drop food and leave it in the highchair. She and I are making Mommy a bit crazy because we seem to be confused about toys. I like to grab hers and she takes mine. Who knew a dog would want to carry a plastic block around?
My shirt says "Catherine's Best Friend" which I would like to be. She is definitely the most fun thing in our house including Mommy and Daddy. I love to watch her and laugh!

Mommy and Daddy are enjoying feeding me fun fruits of summer. I got to share Daddy's peach with him. I still don't have any teeth, but I am very good at gumming things.