Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Big Apple to Celebrate

We went on my first trip to New York to celebrate with Lisa and Alex. Luckily, they love babies and kids so I got to go to all of the parties! Here I am with both of them.
We had a wonderful place to stay. They even had a bed for me. (Plus you can see how well I am doing at sitting up)This is the view from the apartment we stayed in. It had a great kitchen where I was free to eat and finger paint with my sweet potatoes.Here I am at the Top of the Rock with Daddy.
Mommy came too.Here I am ready to walk around with Daddy.We walked around Central Park.
Mommy's friend Deb was lots of fun!

I got to meet lots of her friends from college. Here are a few of them. Mommy forgot to take my picture with Jaime (her college roommate).

Thursday, April 23, 2009


I had shots today and it was no fun, but Dr. Ben said I was perfect and now I can have whatever veggies I want. I was 18 lbs and 7 oz. and almost 26 inches (yes I shrank, but they measured wrong the last time :)). I was not happy about the shots, but seem to have gotten over it now. I did not want a picture upset so you just get words.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another six month party

There was another half cake with Daddy. I tried very hard to get it, but I had no luck.
I did get some more squash. I like to hold the spoon!
I also got to hang out with Daddy.
Here is my official six month photo taken early this morning. Mommy and Daddy have me sleeping my crib finally (I have slept in my carseat for five months) and I am causing them some trouble with what they call the transition. Anyway I was up early so Mommy got my picture.
She made me two half birthday cakes. We are going to have this one with Daddy tonight.
There was a white one for my first birthday party this afternoon. (Mommy is so sleepy her eyes are closed.)
I do not understand why I can't have cake, but I am getting much better at sweet potatoes, squash and rice cereal. We go to the doctor on Thursday to find out what else I can eat...but no cake today... Keisha and Edina helped me celebrate. Edina didn't get cake either.
Here is a picture of me shortly after I got home from the hospital...
I am a lot bigger now and look I can sit up! Mommy will post more birthday pictures later and check back to see how big I am after Thursday...I hope Dr. Ben doesn't give me shots...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Girls' Day Out

Mommy and I went shopping with Jill and Sydney. Jill took this great picture of us. We went to the outlets at Hagerstown. I got lots of new clothes in my new 9 month size...yes I am turning six months tomorrow, but I am advanced for my age. I also got these cool sunglasses. They are for my cool swing.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Things

I got to ride in a cart without my carseat recently. I am moving from my infant carseat to the one that will last for years, but that means no more carrying it into stores. I am not totally sure about this, but I am working on it. I also applied for a passport recently. The people were very nice. I am looking forward to my first trip to Europe this summer :)


Happy Easter (and Passover) a bit late. I got to be the Easter Bunny, but I still didn't get any chocolate... Daddy says one day I will be cranky with Mommy for putting me in a suit with a tail...
Uncle Obbie and Aunt B got me this cool Easter carrot!
I also enjoyed hanging out with Daddy in the hammock.

Sweet Potatoes

I am still working on eating. I am not sure why anyone thinks I want to keep it in my mouth. Granny and Grumps came this weekend and I got to try a new food...Sweet Potatoes. They were yummy and are my current favorite.
They are a bit messy though :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

FEED ME!!!!!

There has been all this talk about food and I was very curious. I kept opening my mouth when Mommy and Daddy were eating and grabbing at their food. Mommy and Daddy have spent lots of time talking about when to feed me and finally Daddy got Mommy to stop changing her mind. So I got to eat a little bit of rice cereal today. I am just over two weeks away from six months and I have been getting up not once, but twice a night so they decided to try it. Here I am all ready and waiting...
Mommy got to give me the first bite :) I took it in my mouth well, but didn't realize that with it being liquid I had to close my mouth to keep it in...
...so much of it ran down my chin.Daddy got a turn and I was very happy to try the whole time. Maybe more will stay in once they start to make it thicker :)
Here I am in my Jumperoo with my first pair of shoes on care of my cool auntie B.