Wednesday, July 29, 2009

More Atlanta Pictures

I got my haircut for the second time while we were in Atlanta. Mr. Kurt is the only one who has cut my hair, but he is also the only one who has ever cut Mommy's hair. He was so nice and my haircut was free :)
I got to see my friend Sam. We had a swimming playdate and one at her house. I am very interested in other children. She showed me fun things I can do soon. She is moving to West Virginia so hopefully we can meet her and her parents in the middle and have some fun.
We also got to swim with Auntie B. Uncle Obbie also spent time with me, but he had to be careful about how much because he was taking something called the Bar.
I got to hang out with Belle who is always glad to see me. We are going to celebrate her 80th birthday soon!

There are no pictures, but I also got my first ear infection in Atlanta. At first Mommy thought I had forgotten how to sleep, because I was happy all day but very unhappy at night and naptime. After a night of my getting up 4 times Mommy trusted her gut and remembered reading on Lucy and Ellie's blog about sleep issues that came from ears (Thank you Lindsey) and called the doctor. The nice nurse said to take me to the doctor in Atlanta. We went even though Granny and others could not believe that a happy baby with no temp could be sick. The doctor there said yes I had an infection in my left ear so I started sleeping better with medicine and my old friend the carseat (Thank you Sam for lending me yours). Mommy says that Mommies have to trust their guts and always keep up with the blogs of others :). I am much better now and go in for my nine month check-up tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Glad to hear that you learned from my parenting mistake :) Hope your little girl gets to feeling better soon. Looks like you are having a very adventuresome summer!